
首頁> 科技議題 - 政策動向> 2023年芬蘭國家改革計畫
2023年芬蘭國家改革計畫 Finland’s National Reform Programme 2023
Ministry of Finance, Finland
According to the EU´s growth strategy, the four dimensions of competitive sustainability – environmental sustainability, productivity, fairness, and macroeconomic stability – are the guiding principles of its recovery and economic policy. These dimensions guide the reform and investment programmes of Member States and form part of the objectives of the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Finland´s Recovery and Resilience Plan sets national objectives to support sustainable growth. The measures laid out in the plan will promote the green and digital transitions, promote the development of employment and skills, and improve the availability of health and social services. The Council of the European Union adopts recommendations for Member States aimed at guiding national decision-making to ensure this supports growth and employment. The recommendations adopted for Finland in 2019-2022 relate to the sustainability of general government finances, health and social services, the labour market, investments in research, innovation and the low carbon economy, household indebtedness, and the prevention of money laundering. The National Reform Programme now published by the Government describes the Government´s measures to achieve Finland´s national goals and respond to the EU´s recommendations. The National Reform Programme will be used in the twice-yearly reports on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility and will describe progress on reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The information in the programme will enable a detailed review of Finland´s situation at the EU level.