
首頁> 科技議題 - 政策動向> 南非生物多樣性保護及永續利用
南非生物多樣性保護及永續利用 Conservation and Sustainable use of South Africa’s Biological Diversity Green Paper
Government of South Africa
Biodiversity is not merely about saving threatened species and creating protected areas. It is about life, the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the planet we share with our fellow inhabitants. Biodiversity is the very fabric of our existence. This Green Paper represents the phenomenal achievements we have made as a country. It is a victory for all those who have held on to their respect for the earth and their sometimes faltering belief in the goodness of humankind, in the face of trying and soul-destroying conditions. We have managed to let reason prevail and reason dictates that all people are equal, all forms of life deserve respect, and the earth is our provider and protector. Even though we are only slowly waking up to the realities of the global environmental disasters caused by humankind, there is a growing world-wide commitment to taking urgent steps to address our environmental problems, to create a better life for all, and to preserve our natural heritage for future generations. The 1992 United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity reflects the global concern at the rate at which biodiversity is being lost, and represents the commitment to urgent action to address this threatening global crisis. South Africa has ratified this Convention and has shown innovation in its commitment to fulfilling the obligations of the agreement. We can be proud of the fact that we have made substantial progress in this regard. Considering the fact that we have only recently shed our pariah status and emerged as a young democracy into the international community, we can be especially proud...